In compliance with French law no. 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, our website, created by NEX Informatique, owner of the website, provides the public with information about our company. As this information may be modified from time to time, we invite you to consult our legal notices as often as possible, so that you can read them frequently.
The website belongs to PINETTE PEI who is responsible for its publication, hereinafter referred to as “the site owner”.
The head office is located at : 5, rue Paul Sabatier – 71100 Chalon sur Saône, France
IONOS SARL is responsible for hosting
Head office is located at : 7, place de la Gare, BP 70109, 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex, 431 303 775 RCS Sarreguemines, tel.: 0970 808 911,
NEX Informatique for the technical administration of the site.
The head office is located at : 5, rue Saint Jean des vignes – 71100 Chalon sur Saône – France
By using our website, you fully accept the terms and conditions of use specified in our legal notice. Accessible to all, it is important to note that the site owner may decide to interrupt the website for maintenance purposes.
The purpose of the website is to inform users about the services offered by the owner, who strives to provide accurate information about his business. However, inaccuracies or omissions may occur. The company cannot be held responsible for any errors on the website.
The information provided on our website is subject to quality control to ensure its reliability. However, we cannot be held responsible for any technical inaccuracies in our explanations. If you notice any errors concerning information that we may have omitted, please let us know by e-mail or post. Links directly or indirectly to our website are not under our control. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on these websites. As the website uses JavaScript technology, it cannot be held liable for any material damage arising from its use. Furthermore, we cannot be held liable for any other type of direct or indirect consequence of using the website (bug, incompatibility, virus, loss of market, etc.).
The editorial content of the website belongs exclusively to the owner. Any infringement of copyright is punishable under Article L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, with a penalty of 2 years imprisonment and a fine of €150,000.
The site cannot be held liable for any abusive, racist, defamatory or pornographic comments exchanged in interactive areas. The company also reserves the right to delete any content contrary to the company’s values or to legislation applicable in France. By browsing the site, the user accepts that cookies may be installed on his or her computer.
All information collected on the website is used for the purposes related to the use of our platform, such as the forms. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, users have the right to access and rectify any information concerning them, which they may exercise at any time by sending an e-mail or letter to the owner.
Subject to French law, the website is governed by law 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, article L.335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code and the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004.