NonDestructive Testing (NDT) & inspection (NDI) systems
Pinette PEI. is a leading provider of testing & inspection systems. Thus, we offer a large range of NonDestructive Testing (NDT) & Inspection (NDI) systems, based on all the most advanced technologies available on the market. We are committed to enhance testing procedures and equipment, by according a huge importance to R&D efforts.
Assembly, machining and NonDestructive Inspection (NDI) systems
Representing the root of Pinette PEI.'s know-how, our mean of presentation, drilling, assembly, milling in interpolation, and dimensional check automated of large composites sandwich casings is used for satellites carrying on ARIANE 5.
- Adjustable height from 5,000 to 7,000 mm
- The whole system shows a high ease of use for operators
- Jig capacity of Ø 6,000 mm
- 6 axes CNC
- References precision of + / - 0,2 mm
- Displacement precision less than + / - 0,1 mm
- Great consideration of all hygiene and safety aspects, this system will fit all your criteria
Large capacity NonDestructive Testing (NDT) system
Pinette PEI. has developed a large capacity NDT test bench using ultrasonic testing through the water jet and contact technique.
- Accepts parts up to 6 meters in diameter and height
- Great versatility: accepts flat or revolving forms & continuous or discontinuous parts
- 14 axes CNC
- Part loading system with integrated mobile platform
- Centralized intuitive control (HMI on one centralized control panel)
- High productivity thanks to simultaneous controls through twin sensors
- Increased operational security from anti-collision device backed by close-up cameras
- Delivered with a full set of quick, safe to use mounting tools.
NDT test bench using ultrasonic phased array (UTPA)
Pinette PEI. provides NDT test bench for ATR 72 wing panels (composite parts), using the immersion multi-elements phased array (UTPA) technology.
- 7 CNC axes
- Max dimension of controlled parts Ø 9,000 mm H 1,500 mm.
NDT test bench using Eddy current testing for tube inspection
Pinette PEI. provides hydraulic expansion bench and NDT controls for heating surface bundles of steam generators through Eddy current testing.
- 5 CNC axes
- Capacity up to 5,000 x 5,000 mm
- Precision +/- 0.1 mm