preforming solutions

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Preforming solutions PINETTE PEI

PINETTE PEI is recognized worldwide for its expertise in the development of preforming solutions for the industrial-scale processing of composite materials. Our advanced technologies enable the automotive, aerospace and rail industries to optimize their manufacturing processes, while reducing costs and improving the quality of finished products.

Key Benefits of Preforming Solutions PINETTE PEI:

  1. Performance and repeatability: Our solutions guarantee exceptional repeatability with positioning accuracy down to ±0.15mm, essential for large-scale production requiring absolute uniformity.
  2. Flexibility and customization: Each preforming line is tailor-made to meet our customers’ specific requirements, with full equipment customization.
  3. Technological innovations: PINETTE PEI incorporates the latest technologies such as machine vision, cutting and robotized kitting, offering all-in-one solutions for thermoplastic and thermoset composites.
  4. Cost-efficiency: Our preforming systems optimize the use of materials with a net-shape design, reducing waste and additional finishing costs.
  5. Production speed: Production speed and rate are enhanced by automated systems and fast-forming presses, essential for meeting ever-changing market demands.

Specific Applications of Preforming Solutions :

  • Automotive: Structural components such as multilayer suspension arms and bumper beams designed for maximum efficiency and zero waste.
  • Aerospace: Parts such as ribs and spacers, where precision and material strength are crucial.
  • Rail: Components requiring complex shapes and high structural integrity.

Raw material

Prepreg or dry fiber
  • Thermosetting prepreg
  • Thermoplastic prepreg
  • Dry fiber
  • Non-corrugated multiaxial reinforcements
  • Unidirectional
  • Woven fabrics
  • Organosheets
  • Carbon
  • Glass
  • Aramid
  • Natural
  • Fabric rolls
  • Blank
  • Tape
  • Sub-kit or kit
Preforming lines
Hot drape forming - HDF