As a long-standing supplier of hydraulic presses and special-purpose machines for industry, PINETTE PEI has acquired extensive expertise in industrial engineering.
This expertise enables us to supply custom-made laboratory presses and small production units to meet our customers’ needs, even for special applications.
PINETTE PEI a designs and manufactures fully electric compression presses for composites forming in sterile rooms. These customized presses, with a force of 75 kN, are equipped with heating and cooling platens (size: 350 mm x 250 mm) which can heat up to 450°C. This machine is designed with a force control system guaranteeing accuracy to within 1 kN.
For the production of RTM (resin transfer molding) parts in small batches, PINETTE PEI has developed a new stand-alone production unit to meet the needs of small workshops.
This unit is integrated with a compression press and an RTM injection unit.
As an option, this unit can be supplied with supervision to ensure production traceability.
This machine provides complete ergonomic access to the lower and upper molds.
The tilting upper platens make it easy to clean molds and visually inspect surface cleanliness.
The reliability and ease with which the preform can be placed in the mould makes the process even more robust during production.
Product features:
Some products are manufactured by processing prepregs.
To increase productivity and make the operator’s job easier, we have designed a machine specifically for this process.
This machine is supplied with a lower shuttle table and two lower mold halves. The upper half-mold is mounted in a fixed position on the central part of the machine. When the upper mold half descends onto the lower mold half, the thermal curing cycle can begin.
Meanwhile, the operator can remove the finished parts from the mold, carry out cleaning checks, and place the prepreg in the lower mold cavity(ies).
As a result, all the preparatory work is done in parallel to part production time improving overall efficiency.
When the press opens, the table simply shifts to start a new cycle.
These compact units can be organized as production workshops.
They are simply positioned in the workshop using a forklift truck.
This gives a high degree of flexibility in terms of layout solutions, depending on the structure of the workshop and the management of flows in and out of the unit.
Product features: