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Maintenance: Performance and longevity of your equipment

PINETTE PEI offers a comprehensive range of maintenance services to optimize the performance and extend the life of your industrial equipment. Our experts are dedicated to keeping your machines in top condition with maintenance solutions tailored to your specific needs.


Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a crucial step in anticipating breakdowns and minimizing production interruptions. Our qualified technicians carry out regular inspections of your equipment, identifying signs of wear and intervening before problems turn into costly breakdowns. This proactive approach ensures maximum machine availability, reducing unscheduled downtime and repair costs.

Benefits of preventive maintenance :

  • Reducing unplanned downtime By identifying and correcting potential problems before they cause breakdowns, we keep your equipment running smoothly.
  • Longer equipment life Regular, careful maintenance can significantly extend the life of your machines, optimizing your investment.
  • Improving operator safety By keeping your equipment in top condition, we reduce the risk of accidents due to technical faults.

Maintenance Plan

We design customized maintenance plans, tailored to the specifics of your plant and your production requirements. Each plan is structured to include regular inspections, preventive adjustments and parts replacements, as well as performance monitoring to ensure that your machines are always running at peak performance.

Maintenance plan components :

  • Inspection and maintenance schedule A detailed schedule of actions to be carried out to ensure optimum maintenance.
  • Spare parts and consumables list Identification of critical parts to be monitored and replaced to avoid breakdowns.
  • Machine control and optimization protocols Detailed procedures for checking and improving equipment performance.

Performance Surveys and Recalibration

To ensure optimum performance and consistent accuracy, PINETTE PEI offers regular performance readings and recalibration services.. Nos techniciens utilisent des outils de mesure avancés pour vérifier l’exactitude de vos machines et effectuer les ajustements nécessaires pour maintenir la qualité de production.

Services included :

  • Performance measurement and analysis Performance measurement and analysis: Use diagnostic tools to assess the current performance of your machines.
  • Recalibration of equipment to standards Precise adjustments to bring machines into line with industry standards.
  • Detailed reports and recommendations for improvement Comprehensive analyses with practical suggestions for optimizing your operations.